Monday, 31 July 2017

10 Tips to Beat Fear and Succeed in Work, Business and Life

You want to wake up in the morning, do great work, and receive extra pay, praise, and promotion. You want to build a business, get customers, and increase your profit, revenue, or ROI. You want to be smarter, richer, and become happier, healthier, and more successful.
But deep down, something is holding you back. It’s fear; we all have it. Anytime we plan to do something, the fear—like a vampire—sucks away our will power, making us unable to do what matters. How do you beat your fear and succeed in work, business, and life?
Here are ten tips to help you beat fear and succeed in anything you do:

1. Face your fear

If you allow your fears to dominate your heart, you won’t become the Lion you want to be. Rather, you’ll keep justifying your deeds, making flimsy excuses, blaming others for your inaction, and procrastinating over important goals.
Those are all a by-product of your fears, and they won’t let you succeed in your work, business, or life. The only remedy for fear is to face it. First, acknowledge that it exists within you, and then face it head on and move on with your life.

2. Beat procrastination

Procrastination is actually a type of fear. You don’t want to kick-start that business, because you’re afraid that it might fail. You don’t want to continue with that project, because you’re intimidated by its difficulty. You repeatedly postpone running that marathon, because it’s going to be so exhausting.
But you have to act now or regret it later. If you fail to do what you need to do on time, missing that deadline might cost you your career, your customer, or your character. So quit procrastinating if you’re serious about achieving success in life.

3. Discover your passion

We all have unique talents hidden inside us, but unless we dig deep into our psyche and uncover them, those talents and passions, will be a waste. The Jobs, the Musks, and the Zuckerbergs are where they are today because they uncovered their passion and rebranded it into powerful, profitable products.
You have a natural talent but it’s up to you to find it and optimize it and put it into use. Don’t be afraid. You need to dig deep. I promise you It’s there.  When you find it, there’s no limit to what you’ll achieve in your career, your business, and your life.
“Follow your own passion—not your parents’, not your teachers’—yours.” – Robert Ballard

4. Show up early

Richard Branson wakes at 5:45 am, Tim Cook rises at 3:45 am, and Howard Schultz gets up at 4:30 am. Why do all of these successful entrepreneurs begin their days so early? Because they want to get there first and beat the latecomers.
Learn from these great minds. Show up early—ahead of your colleagues, competitors, and co-workers. Doing this will always put you at the forefront. And being first is a positive sign of success.

5. Grind

You might think that success is a cheap product. Have an idea, run it, and you achieve success. Well, that’s not the case.
The road to success is patched with countless bumps, roadblocks, and tons of hard work and failures. Successful entrepreneurs, athletes, real estate developers, they’re all hard-working folks. They work day in and day out. They hustle and they grind first before they achieve success.
You want to reach the top level of your career? Grind. You want to become the next success story? Grind.  You want to become a “hot” celebrity in your industry? Grind.

6. Do quality work

It’s not about just doing work. It’s not about accomplishing many projects. It’s not about finishing your work fast. It’s about doing quality work. Quality work is what earns you respect, builds your reputation, accelerates your career, and elevates you higher than anyone else.

7. Give people what they want

It doesn’t matter if you’re nobody in your industry or just starting out as a newbie, if you give people what they want—quality products or incredible service, or just relate to them in a civilized way—they’ll reciprocate.
They’ll like you, they’ll buy from you and they’ll become your sales rep, telling their friends and family about you. They’ll possibly make you rich and they’ll help you transform lives and change our world for the better.

8. Be honest

You just have to be honest if you want to be a successful person. Here’s the naked truth: People are smarter than you think.
You may get away with your deceitful behavior once or twice, but once your colleague or customer realizes that you’re a cheat, you’re done. They’ll fling you into the nearest dumpster and they will never, ever restore you back into their life again.
“Be honest, be nice, be a flower not a weed.” – Aaron Neville

9. Be confident

First, it’s the antidote to fear. Part of what you must do to beat fear or even procrastination, is to develop self-confidence. Believe in yourself, face your fears, and do the work that matters.
Second, it’s the key to success. Part of what you must do to survive and thrive in your work, business, and life is to develop confidence. It clears up your doubt and pushes you to go do the work that the naysayers say you can’t do.

10. Stay positive

Ordinary people are negative people. They always gossip, backbite, and try to see the negative side of others. This is bad and dangerous.
Why? Because our actions are a true reflection of our thoughts. That means that a negative mindset always begets negative outcomes, while a positive mindset always begets a positive outcome.
Imagine waking up in the morning, doing great work, and receiving the benefits from that. Imagine you build your business, expand your customer base, and boost your profit, revenue, and ROI. Imagine further that you’ve become smarter, richer, and more successful.
Instead of losing energy when you face a new project, you actually conquer it with strong willpower. All because you’ve beaten your fears and your procrastination habit. More importantly, you’ve developed self-confidence, done great work, and stayed positive.  
You’ve got your roadmap—now all you need to do is follow it. Your dreams—succeeding at your workplace, in your business, or in your life await.

Picture Credit:

Sunday, 30 July 2017

The 6 Paradoxical Rules for Successful Entrepreneurship

Most entrepreneurs understand the importance of personal growth and consume books, talks, and conferences in copious amounts. They seek advice from successful entrepreneurs and attempt to apply it to their businesses.

What often goes unsaid is that there is never a “right” way to build a successful business. When does working hard become working too hard? When does being firm about boundaries become being too rigid? Entrepreneurship is not just about following the right advice, it is also about balance and  personal fine-tuning.

Here are some paradoxical rules of successful entrepreneurship that every entrepreneur should know:

1. Strive for excellence, but avoid perfectionism.

Excellence is doing the best that you can, with whatever you have, at any given point in time. Having a spirit of excellence is key; it goes without saying that producing slip-shod work will not get any business far.

However, do not mistake having a spirit of excellence with perfectionism. Perfectionism will slow a business down and waste precious time and money. There is even a popular school of thought that revolves around throwing out a minimum viable product into the market, so that you don’t spend years working on a product that will not sell. The difference is slight, but being able to distinguish excellence and perfectionism will multiply your productivity.

Here are the key differences between excellence and perfectionism:

Restful vs Fearful: Excellence is doing the best we can with a restful and optimistic spirit. Perfectionism functions from a premise of fear. Perfectionistic entrepreneurs tend to question their every move and suffer from severe analysis paralysis.
Spontaneity vs Control: Excellence allows space for spontaneity (always ask: why not?) calculated risk-taking, while perfectionism results in a need for control.
Confidence vs Doubt: Behavior prompted by a drive for excellence results in self-confidence, while perfectionistic behavior breeds self-doubt.

2. Be grateful, but not desperate.

Being grateful improves your mood and keeps you happy. In a publication by Harvard Medical School, it was proven by numerous studies that expressing gratitude is one of the simplest ways for someone to feel better.

Importantly, when dealing with clients, suppliers, influencers, and other key stakeholders in your company, make an extra effort to thank people and conscientiously express how appreciative you are. This cultivates goodwill and paves the way for more opportunities to come your way.

However, it is one thing to appreciate someone’s goodwill, and another to be dependent on it.  You want people to feel appreciated, not irritated. Do not come off as pushy or desperate, and accept that good opportunities will arrive with time. Desperation corrodes your self-confidence as you start questioning your worth. Know your value, and stand by it.

“Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life.” – Joel Osteen

3. Be hungry, but not starving.

Entrepreneurs are ambitious dreamers – the hungrier you are, the more effort you put in, and the more results you will get. Most successful entrepreneurs have a healthy dissatisfaction that consistently drives them towards bigger and better goals.

Take caution, though. You want to always be dissatisfied with where you are now to the extent of taking smart action, but not to the extent of panicking about it. Being in panic mode triggers your body’s survival mechanism – you stop thinking and acting rationally. Rash decisions are often not wise ones. Often, entrepreneurs are most susceptible to making rash decisions when cash is running low. If you find yourself caught in panic mode, take extra time to pause and think through decisions rationally.

4. Demand fast progress, but be patient.

Make speed a habit. If you are not growing faster than your competitors, you are losing out. This is especially relevant in competitive markets where success is dependent on adapting to trends or on producing breakthrough innovations.

While a thirst for progress is encouraged, persistence and the ability to see projects through to completion are important too. It takes years to build a sustainable and profitable business. Set an expectation to move fast, but also have the long-term foresight to persevere long enough so that you can see the fruits of your efforts.

5. Work hard for goals, but be unattached to the outcome.

When you are too attached to the outcome of a goal, you start associating your personal self-worth with the outcome of specific projects or businesses. For instance, the objective of your sales calls should be about connecting and listening to your potential clients so that you can address their needs. However, if you are too caught up with trying to make the sale, people can sense the disconnect and this will affect your conversion rates.

Being unattached to the outcome of your business does not mean being apathetic to it. You still need to work hard and thirst for success. You want to work towards meaningful goals, but be able to recover fast if you do not achieve them.

“You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.” – Lionel Messi

6. Grow your own business, but do not be selfish.

Collaboration and joint ventures with other businesses will grow your business quickly. We want healthy collaborations, not toxic collaborations. Successful entrepreneurs are able to effectively balance their own needs and other businesses’ needs, creating win-win situations whenever possible.

Working with other businesses may hurt your business if you allow others to step all over you. Set firm boundaries and stick to them. However, we should not be overly focused on ourselves and fail to add value to others. When you hurt others in the process of getting to your goals, it gives you a bad reputation and will adversely affect your business in the long-term.

Picture credit:

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Friday, 28 July 2017

Stop Wasting Your Time And Start Making Money

I get a lot of different questions, but the one question I am asked most is “how can I make more money?”

Simple. Start cutting out time wasters in your life.

These wastes of your time may be people you’re spending time with, distractions like television and computer games -- or the very common partying every weekend and drinking a little too much,

If you calculate the amount of time you waste on these activities, you will soon add up about 7-10 hours per week that could be better invested in being strategic in your business, to secure more business – thus to make more money.

What is more important to you, having a lot of people buzzing around you and spending a huge whack of time in partying, or having a handful of quality friends and spending more time focused on your next business goal?

For every person who is watching reality TV, out drinking all weekend, or just couch-surfing instead of networking… there is someone bounding ahead on the very competitive journey called business success.

Some classic time wasters you can remove ASAP

* Social media without a purpose.

* Spending time with friends who detract, instead of add, value to your life.

* Excessive alcohol consumption. Let’s face it: a hangover lasts far more than an hour. It can rob you of a week’s worth of productivity.

* Events with no purpose. If you don’t know why you should be going... Don’t.

* Mindless television (especially anything with ads).

Other time consuming activities you may wish to outsource

* Dinners (or another meal). If you calculate the time it takes to shop, prepare and cook your dinners it may be worthwhile bulk-buying dinner and re-heating it. This could save you the equivalent of a full day’s work every week.

* Ironing and/or house cleaning. Again, another time-consuming activity that can also be exhausting. Time saved here could be better spent at the gym working out to keep your body as fit as your mind.

* Admin tasks. All businesses have an excessive amount of admin to complete at times, sometimes daily. Don’t disappear down the rabbit hole of the filing system. Get a temp.

It all comes down to the one question you need to ask yourself regularly: how badly do you want it?


Wednesday, 26 July 2017

What is the best way to start making money online with affiliate marketing?

Start with the market, not the product!

You’ve probably heard the phrase, ‘Start with the market, not the product.’ It means that you shouldn’t create a product (which is expensive and time-consuming) without first making sure there will be customers who will buy it — and in enough numbers to make it worthwhile. You’re in this to make money, right? If you create a product without determining if people will buy it, you could make a very expensive mistake.

Fortunately, there is a way you can start your business without this risk. You don’t have to invest in creating and manufacturing a product. You don’t even have to waste time on doing market testing or other research to figure out if a specific product will work. In this approach, the products are proven sellers. And you can be in any of thousands of niches. There’s sure to be one that fits your interests.
It’s called affiliate marketing. And a reported 80% of brands use affiliate marketing to sell their products. You’ve probably been part of this type of online business, even if you didn’t realize it… on the customer side, anyway.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

On a basic level, here’s how affiliate marketing works.
As an internet entrepreneur, you have your own web presence: your website, blog, social media, landing pages, sales pages, banner ads, and e-commerce site. But instead of selling your own products, you promote and sell the products of other companies.

You display the products on your website or sales page. You market them and try to make the sale. When your prospect is ready to order, they click the button or link and then are sent to your affiliate partner’s site to complete the order.

The customers you send them are tracked using special codes on the order links on your website.
You get credit for every sale. Don’t worry, it’s not complicated. It’s simple cut-and-paste.

Every time you make a sale, you get a percentage — a commission, in other words. That percentage can range from 5 percent to 45 percent (sometimes even higher), depending on the company and the product. It may not sound like much, but for high-ticket items, even 5 percent can be quite a lot. When you make hundreds of sales, the amount can certainly add up. Some of the highest commissions can be earned when you promote digital information products as an affiliate.

The advantages of affiliate marketing are numerous:

• You won’t invest your time in money in creating a product that might not work.
• You don’t have to store the products you sell or ship them.
• You don’t have to worry about customer service or returns — the affiliate partner does that.

Affiliate Marketing in Action

Let’s give you an example to get you up to speed.
Let’s say you’ve started a blog focused on snowboarding. You have a blog about the sport where you discuss industry news and trends and review new products. Or maybe you simply have an e-commerce website where you have all sorts of snowboarding-related products for sale like snowboards, helmets, gloves, jackets, pants, boots, goggles, instructional videos, the works.

You’re passionate about snowboarding; this is your dream business. So you simply do what you do best: talk to your prospects about snowboarding and the quality of the products you have for sale.

People visit your site, and they buy the products you have listed. They click on the link, order the product, and you get paid a commission for that sale.

Usually, your affiliate partner will have a special account set up so you can track sales and see what money is due to you. You could be paid monthly or quarterly — it depends on the affiliate partner.

What You Can Sell as an Affiliate Marketer

There are many Products & Services you can sell as an affiliate: information products, books, movies, computers (software & hardware), power tools, supplements, health & wellness, alternative health cures, videos, sports equipment, clothing, shoes, home improvement products, just about anything you can think of. There are many affiliate marketing networks and partners available to you.

Be Selective About What You Sell as an Affiliate

Just because there are so many affiliate marketing programs available, it doesn’t mean you want to join all of them. As with everything in a new online business, start small.

It’s an essential part of your success that you focus on just one niche at a time. Here’s what I mean.

Don’t try to be like Amazon, selling thousand of different types of products. It may seem counterintuitive but promoting many products across many niches is not the best approach for first-time online entrepreneurs. To be honest, you can’t compete against Amazon or other catch-all internet retailers. You have a much better chance focusing on a niche market.

For starters, you don’t have the millions or billions in start-up venture capital to make it happen. You want to invest little or nothing in creating your business. That’s possible. But in that case, variety is your enemy. By instead focusing one niche, one type of product, you can focus your marketing efforts. You can appeal to your specific target market.

Join one or two affiliate programs. 

Promote just a few products at first — stay focused on your niche by only promoting products that would appeal to your target market. Get used to the affiliate marketing model. Test which products appeals to your email list and your potential customers.

Once you find a winning combination, build on that, make a profit, and increase your revenue. Eventually, you can build on your success and start offering other products and maybe even other niches down the road. But the important thing is to start small.

That brings me to an important point. Tracking your results is an essential part of determining which product or niche is successful. For your marketing campaigns, track what elements bring in the most prospects and what efforts drive the most traffic to your e-commerce platform. You want to know what specific website copy, and which particular offer is most effective in grabbing the attention of your prospects and compelling them to buy.

A key part of this is tracking your sales and their origin. Remember that you won’t be able to monitor every single sale that comes in by hand — there will be too many, hopefully. You must have automatic tracking that shows you which particular products and which specific marketing efforts resulted in the most sales. That’s key for dialing in which products you should promote in the future and which marketing approach you should run with.

Your Marketing Approach as an Affiliate Marketer

There’s something important to remember if you are an affiliate marketer. Just because you are promoting other people’s products doesn’t mean you can skimp on the marketing. You must take the promotion just as seriously as you would any other.

That means a multi-channel approach with a consistent marketing message across all channels. Use your blog, pay-per-click ad campaigns that link to squeeze pages and sales page, market to your email list, comment in forums and on Facebook pages, use social media to build a following and get your message out — maybe even make it go viral, promote with online video… be creative in how you market these affiliate products. Be sure to dial in your marketing efforts to reach your specific target market.

Use quality copy to promote these products. You want to paint an effective picture that shows how your product will change the lives of your prospects. You must clearly show the features and benefits. In other words, give the prospects a reason to buy the products you are promoting rather than from somebody else.

A good approach as an affiliate marketer is to create reviews. You showcase several different products of the same type on your website. For example, you could include your opinions and technical specifications on several different types of Bluetooth portable speakers. You give your opinion and list the pros and cons of each. Then you include a link for each… to buy that particular speaker. The trick is, whichever speaker your prospect chooses and buys, you make a commission.

Affiliate Marketing: Putting It All Together

Of course, you don’t have to go it alone. With affiliate marketing, the company’s you partner will often have marketing materials ready to go. These are proven landing pages, sales emails, banner ads, and other bits of copy that you can use in your own marketing efforts.

Affiliate marketing is the hands-down one of the fastest and easiest ways to get started making money online. The upfront investment is minimal. You don’t have to worry about creating products — you have proven sellers available in thousands of different niches. It’s a great way to learn the ropes of e-commerce, perfect your marketing approach, and build your new internet business.


Tuesday, 25 July 2017

17 Ways Successful People Think Differently About Money

So, I was researching  the internet today, and came across this fantastic infographic that I felt I really needed to share with everyone.

Talking about wealth and money is a sensitive topic for many people.

If you are one of them, chances are, you are holding on to negative beliefs that you picked up from those around.

Inspired by Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, we created this infographic to help you understand the difference between a successful and unsuccessful mindset

Hope you like it, let me know what you think.

Monday, 24 July 2017

5 Things You Can Do To Start Building Wealth Today

5 Things You Can Do To Start Building Wealth Today

If you have come to this article and reading this, you are really in luck, for you are about to read the same 5 things and strategies that the most wealthy people in North America has used to build their personal fortunes.

1. Track your spending

A lot of people become wealthy in life because they take responsibility for every dollar that is going out of their pocket, making sure that they are not spent on unnecessarily stuff. Poor people usually receive a tax return or inheritance check only to find that all of this money got spent the next day, and they would also have no idea where it went. Knowing exactly what you are going to do with your money would help you to build a better sense of awareness towards getting wealthy.

2. Start planning for a rainy day

I am sure you would agree with me that it would be quite difficult to build wealth if we are always plagued by financial emergencies. Thus it is always better to set some emergency fund aside in times of emergency, as this will prevent you from having to go into debt or take money away from your investments to take care of the financial emergency.

3. Working a career that you would enjoy

If you just take note of any of the wealthiest people that have ever lived, you would find that most of them really have a burning passion towards the career path they have chosen. They are really excited about what they are doing to earn a living. On the other hand, the people who are poor usually are the ones that hate their jobs a lot and want to become rich and wealthy just to escape their current job. What they fail to realize is that this will only make things worst, as it would cause them to chase after opportunities and then spend money on what they think would help them escape from their misery at their jobs.

4. Investing wisely

Image result for wealthy people invest first and spend what's left

Many people simply invest money in bonds, trusts, funds and so on when they know nothing about them. Most of them just heed to advice of someone else without doing any homework themselves. This is not really good as when you really think about it, most financial advisors are acting in their best interests and not yours, thus they would choose to leave out some disadvantages that you may face if you decide to take up their offer. So do your homework yourself beforehand before deciding to invest your money in anything.

5. Get started now

A lot of people have many ideas in their head that would be great for generating wealth or an extra stream of income for them. But they often procrastinate and put them off due to fear and other things. If that sounds like you, stop doing that and get started today!



Saturday, 22 July 2017

What Affiliate Products Should You Promote Next?

There are countless affiliate products to promote as an affiliate marketer, it can be a difficult task deciding upon the best ones for you and your audience.

It's important to choose wisely. If you pick out the right product you can make a lot of money. But if you pick the wrong product you'll earn nothing and it may even harm your reputation.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Product creators pay affiliate marketers a commission for sales that they bring in for their products. If an affiliate sells nothing, they earn nothing. And there's no crystal ball that will tell you exactly how much money you can earn if you choose a certain affiliate product to sell.

How Do You Choose Affiliate Products To Promote?

The first thing to consider when deciding upon an affiliate product to promote is your niche. Your niche will establish what type of products your audience will be serious about buying from you.

Some niches respond better to physical products that are delivered to the customer's front door. Affiliates can find these kinds of products at sites like, and

In other niches, digital products are the way to go. These are products that a customer can download immediately to their computer following purchase. If you plan to promote digital products, you can find them on sites like,, and

What Does Your Audience Want?

Keep in mind that your customers have to be your priority when you're choosing affiliate products to promote. While you're not directly creating the products, you have to make sure that people will want what you're promoting.

This means researching your niche. Participate in industry blogs, social media, forums, Facebook groups and so on. Figure out what people need and want so you can promote the right things.

What Are People Buying Now?

What's hot right now? If something is super-hot and is flying off the shelves, then you probably want a piece of that as an affiliate. Also consider products that are evergreen. There are certain products out there that will always sell well among the people in your niche because they are always what people need.

Do Some Google Searches

Another thing you can do is do some simple Google searches. You can often find products that are less competitive this way because not many affiliates think of doing searches like this.

Do some searches for "your niche - join as an affiliate". There are companies out there that run their own affiliate programs and don't list them with big affiliate networks. This means less competition from other affiliates and a more unique product offering.

Just make sure that you are always focusing on reputable companies who you know will pay you, and on products you're reasonably sure will convert.

Affiliate marketing is the easiest and quickest way to make money online. You can begin marketing other people's products and services today, and get paid a commission when a sale is made.



Friday, 21 July 2017

Zig Ziglar - Attitude Makes All The Difference

Zig Ziglar, America’s most influential and beloved
encourager and believer that everyone could be, do and have more, founded the
Zig Ziglar Corporation in 1977. He influenced an estimated quarter of a billion
individuals through his 33 books, including the bestseller See You at the Top,
which has sold almost two million copies.


Thursday, 20 July 2017

Tony Robbins’ 10 Tips for Living Rich

Over the past few decades, life and business strategist Tony Robbins has become a household name. His boundless energy, determination and philanthropic nature has made him one of the go-to experts on how to have a fulfilling life and career.
He started from humble beginnings — growing up in a low-income, broken household — but today his net worth is estimated at over $480 million. In his recent book, “MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom,” he interviewed more than 50 major financial experts, including Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio and Steve Forbes, to create a wealth-building blueprint.
The best-selling author’s advice has been featured prominently in magazines, digital media and in national televised media. He travels all over the country every month for events to inspire people in their lives and in business. Below are some of his top pieces of advice on how to change your mindset in ways that can have a positive impact on your life and your finances.

1. Have a Mission

For people who find themselves in a rut, or who are unsure of which steps to take to improve their lives, finding a focus is important. However, it’s equally important to find the right focus for your life.
“Energy comes from having a mission; it comes from something that you’re being pulled by, not something you’re pushing on,” Robbins told well-known business expert Marie Forleo in a one-on-one interview. “If there’s something that you’re made for, then there’s a level of energy that most people would never dream of… We all have that, but most of us don’t connect to it and unleash it.”
Robbins said he lives in this mindset each and every day. In order to apply this to your own life, it’s important to spend time thinking about what you’re really passionate about, whether it’s big or small. The more excited and the more passionate you are about your goals in life, the more powerful you can be.

2. Stop Trading Time for Money

When it comes to walking the path to financial freedom, Robbins frequently talks about the issue of trading time for money. “If you work for a living, you’re trading your time for money,” he wrote in an article for Entrepreneur magazine.
“Frankly, it’s just about the worst trade you’ll ever make in life: You can always get more money, but you can’t get more time,” he wrote. “In the end, it doesn’t matter how much money you earn. If you don’t set aside some, you could lose it all…This is the first and most important step in putting yourself on the road to financial freedom. Take that step today.”
In essence, you can’t quit your job today, but you can start saving today. If there is a business you want to start or something you want to spend all your time doing, he advised to start saving now. The more money you save, the faster you can focus on the things you want to spend your time doing.

3. Practice Gratitude

This is sometimes an easily overlooked step, especially in difficult times. However, it can have a great positive impact on your life when you follow it.
In his book, “MONEY Master the Game,” Robbins quoted Sir John Templeton, whom he called one of “the greatest investors in history.” In an interview with marketing expert Lewis Howes, Robbins said Templeton told him: “If you have nothing, but you’re euphorically grateful for whatever you have, you’re the richest person you’re ever going to know.”
Robbins said he makes gratitude a part of his morning routine. Every morning, he spends some time thinking of the things in his life that he is grateful for, which helps him start his day. Anyone can start this practice, and the great thing is that it’s simple. To keep things consistent and make this a habit, you can even start a gratitude journal.

4. Be a Disciplined Investor

Robbins revealed his best piece of financial advice in an interview for Money. “Don’t think in terms of taking huge risks to get huge rewards,” he said. “Think about the least amount of risk for the greatest reward, and be disciplined about that.”
He cited Richard Branson as a great example of someone who takes great risks in life, but not in his finances. Instead, he said it’s very important to know what the downside is to an investment, and to have a plan to protect yourself from the potential downside. This is a great lesson for anyone to be wise with their investments, including taking note of any excessive fees that might be eating away at their investment returns.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Although it’s not uncommon to fear failure, Robbins has a different take on it. “Unfortunately, we’re programmed to fear this thing called ‘failure,’ so we try everything we can to avoid it, which is pointless,” he told Success magazine. “Failure is often necessary for real learning to occur.”
This is a mindset that can absolutely be applied to both life and finances. No one is perfect when it comes to money, and sometimes making money mistakes allows us to learn and progress. The same is true when it comes to life and happiness. You’re not going to have a perfect day every day, but life’s failures can sometimes lead to life’s greatest successes.
So, welcome failure. Otherwise, getting lost in it and feeling sorry for yourself could prevent you from succeeding in the future.

6. Work Harder On Yourself Than Anything Else

Robbins told Bloomberg Business that the best piece of advice he ever got came from his mentor, Jim Rohn. “Find a way to add more value than anybody else does, and you’ll never have to worry about anything,” Rohn told him. “Every day, work harder on yourself than anything else, because if you become more intelligent, more valuable, more skilled — you can add more value to other people.”
The same lesson can be applied to your life and finances. Essentially, by becoming more knowledgeable and savvy with your expertise or your money, the more people you can help, as long as you have a giving spirit.

7. Save Automatically

Growing your savings is a very important part of living rich. “The majority of us have this thought process… that today is more important than tomorrow,” he told the OWN Network. However, it’s that mindset that can lead you not to save enough, or at all.
Therefore, in order to “trick yourself” into saving for tomorrow, Robbins said it’s important to save automatically. Talk to your employer about putting a certain percentage of every raise into your retirement account. If it happens automatically without you thinking about it, the money will just start to accumulate and hopefully grow due to the power of compound interest.

8. Give What You Don’t Think You Can Give

Being generous is another big key to living rich, no matter what your income. “If you don’t give a dime out of a dollar, you’re not going to give a million out of 10 million…[Generosity] teaches your brain there’s more than enough when you’ll give what you don’t think you can give,” he said in an interview with Brendon Burchard, an author on motivation and online marketing.
One way this can have a positive impact on your finances is that it can show you how to live on a lesser amount of money, and make you more astute when it comes to managing your finances. In addition to that, giving back to your community and helping those in need can give you a greater sense of connection with people, and help you cultivate gratitude in your own life and on a bigger scale.

9. Be Psychologically Strong

Many of the roadblocks people encounter could be due to their mindset. However, just like physical strength, you can build psychological strength.
“If you’re psychologically strong enough, you can not only survive, but you can thrive when tough situations occur, as opposed to letting the environment control you and take over,” he told Success magazine. “It’s really about mastering strength within yourself so that you can conquer the outer world around you.”
These teachings can be applied to so many things in life. However, surviving and thriving in tough financial times can teach you how to be resilient and to be stronger and better with money in the future.

10. Progress Equals Happiness

It’s natural to go through periods of feeling stuck in life. However, that could be a great sign that it’s time for you to break out of your comfort zone and try new things. “What makes us feel alive is growing, and when we grow, we have something to give,” he told The New York Times.

If you want to be happy, but you’re having a tough time in life due to personal or financial issues, it’s important to take whatever steps possible — even small ones — to progress and grow. Take a small step to make things better. Save a little bit of money. Put your first dollar into investments. Use any windfall or extra money to do something nice for somebody else. If you feel stuck and unhappy, remember what Robbins said: “Progress equals happiness.”

This article originally appeared on GoBankingRates.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

How to Think Like a Millionaire to Achieve Financial Freedom

In order to become a millionaire, you must think like a millionaire! Watch this video to learn how to think like a millionaire and achieve financial freedom for yourself!

What do you think of this advice?

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Just in case you missed them, here is my Twitter Time line for the last few days. Why not follow me? @clicksforcash

Is It A Yes Or No For Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is where you promote services or products sold by a company and when a sale is made, you get paid a commission. It's often regarded as the quickest and easiest way to make money online. But it's not a licence to print money. Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this online business model.

The Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

The biggest disadvantage of affiliate marketing is that at any time, for any reason, warranted or not, a company can stop you selling its products or services.

Undoubtedly you can make good money doing nothing but affiliate marketing. But because someone else is always going to decide what you get paid, when you get paid and even if you can be their affiliate or not, you should still look into developing your own products and services that affiliates can promote for you.

Not All Affiliate Programs Are The Same

Be careful which affiliate products you promote. Your reputation is on the line. Only represent products and companies that are trustworthy, provide great value, and always keep the customer at heart.

Also, it's your job to find the customers. You have to be able to develop traffic streams. If you can't get your affiliate offer in front of enough people, you're not going to make much money.

The Advantages Of Affiliate Marketing

Firstly, it's the fastest way to start an online business. You don't need a product or service to get started. That means within literally minutes or hours of reading this article, you can be making money as an affiliate marketer.

All the customer service issues, payment systems and product shipping and delivery, are organized by the product owner. All you have to do is find an audience, pitch the offerings and if you successfully convince someone to make a purchase, you get paid.

It Costs Nothing To Get Started

You can get started with absolutely no money. This is because you can promote products and services on free blogging, website, video and social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and

Anyone Can Do It

Regardless if you're a man or a woman, how old you are, how much you know about online marketing, or any other particular demographic, anyone can make money with affiliate marketing when you know how to do it right. You can start your affiliate marketing business part-time, working it profitably for just a few hours a week.

There are countless numbers of products and services in just about every niche you can think of that can be sold via affiliate marketing. Find one that you're passionate about, one that can change lives for the better, and you make money while helping people solve their problems.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience.


Sunday, 16 July 2017

6 Things You Need to Know If You Want to Be Successful

Here are six tips used by the guru's, which should also help you in all aspects of your life.

1. Dream BIG.

We're all scared little rabbits who are frightened of failure. Imagine what you could do if you knew you could not fail! We take timid little bunny steps, testing the path ahead with our paws. Take a risk! Who cares? You're going to be dead soon, so why not go for it? Nobody, but nobody will remember your mistakes in a few years time so what does it matter? You cannot get away from making mistakes, it is an inherent part of human nature; without them we don't learn anything. So if you're going to make mistakes anyway, you may as well go ahead and make them and stop worrying about it.

Billions of mistakes have been made by people in the last hundred years and at the time each and every mistake caused untold angst, misery and upset, yet were they really all that important? No. People attach the most ridiculous amount of meaning to the silliest things. Stop worrying about what people think.

2. Passion.

Don't bother running a business if you don't have a passion. Passion comes first. Without it you end up running a mediocre, sad little company. Only get involved with things that you feel passionately about. Sell your dream with passion and people will believe in it and support you.

3. Perception Is Reality.

Very important this. People see what they want to see. Dress like a millionaire and people see a millionaire. Dress like a slob, and they see a slob (and treat you accordingly).

4. No Amount Of Money Is Too Much For A Seminar That Changes Your Life.

There are many excellent seminars run by people who 'walk the talk' and you should attend as many as you can possibly afford. The value you will gain is often fifty to a hundred times greater than what you paid for it.

5. Mix With Winners Not Losers.

This is absolutely essential; there is nothing more likely to hold you back than negative people. I have ditched many negative people over the years and boy do you feel a thousand times better for doing it. Just being around negative people will destroy your hopes of becoming wealthy and successful.

Few, so very few people are positive and motivating. Seek them out and cleave to them! Avoid negative, whinging and moaning people. They'll bring you down faster than you realise. Try and talk to rich people, mix with rich people and you stand a good chance of becoming one. Mix with poor, sad losers, who waste all their time watching TV and hanging out with their mates and that is how you will end up. Truth. Don't just walk away from negative people. RUN!

6. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone.

This means doing things that you wouldn't normally do because they make you feel uncomfortable. For example, if the idea of public speaking makes you feel uncomfortable - find a way of fulfilling this. The sense of achievement you will feel after doing so is worth the initial discomfort a hundred times over. It will also make you question the validity of your fear towards other things that you shy away from doing.

Picture 1
Picture 2

Saturday, 15 July 2017

7 Ways Sales Emails Fail & 7 Ways to Win

Seven Ways To Win

Like you, my email inbox is filled with email marketing newsletters, requests for information, spammy emails that managed to make it through my filter and the urgent things I actually need to respond to. Each day as I watch the number of unread emails grow, it takes more and more convincing for me to open the emails that do not come from people I know.

In my role as the Director of Agency marketing for TopRank Marketing, I receive a steady influx of emails each day from sales reps at various companies trying to meet with me about how their solution will make me more effective at my job. Nine times out of ten, I have had no previous contact with these reps, nor have I signed up to receive emails from them.

As marketers we know that a good email marketing campaign will provide value to our audience and build credibility. So, why should sales emails be any different? If the average buyer gets over 100+ emails per day, opens 23% of them and clicks on just 2%, what can you do to make sure your emails don’t fall into the 77% of emails that end up in the inbox graveyard?

Examples of Bad Sales Emails I Have Actually Received

I’ve selected a few of the more mild yet still ineffective sales emails that I have received recently. The names and companies have been removed to provide anonymity.

Email #1

Subject: quick question

Dear Ashley,

We have invented a technology that targets the WiFi in a household, on a 1:1 basis with 95% accuracy. This is possible because we have mapped the IP addresses of over 160 million households, most of the major colleges throughout the USA, hotels, airports, and more.

We are the only company in the world that has this technology. Would you have 15 minutes to chat?

Looking forward to hearing back!



Email #2

Subject: Quick Question

Hey Ashley,

Have you considered building your team?

I’d like to share a quick idea with you that has helped our client with customer retention and acquisition.

Ashley, let’s schedule a quick 15 minute call so I can share the ideas with you. When works best for you?

All the best,
Phone Number
Physical Address

Email #2 Part 2

Subject: RE: Quick Question

Hey Ashley – I sent an email to you three days ago. I was wondering if you put any thoughts into growing your team?

Ashley, let’s schedule a quick 15 minute call. What day works for you?

All the best,
Phone Number
Physical Address


Email #3

Subject: a few ways

Ashley – I have a few ways you can improve your growth strategy and operations over the next few months, while gaining better insight into your business.

Interested in a quick 5 minute chat later this week?

P.S.: I promise it’ll be more effective than your current strategy.

Physical Address


The list could go on and on and on. While these aren’t the worst type of emails you could send or receive, they aren’t impactful and don’t garner a response. What is fundamentally wrong with these emails?

7 Ways Sales Emails Fail

#1 – They Are All Cold Emails
No effort was made to connect with via social networks or other means before sending out a cold email trying to convince the reciptient to give them money.

#2 – There Is No Personalization
These emails could have been sent to anyone. A little research about your prospects can go a long way.

#3 – There Is No Empathy For Pain Points
If someone is on an email list, they should have had access to the company website as well as the title of the person they are reaching out to. With this information, it should be fairly easy and quick to uncover what some of the challenges someone in that role experiences, or what it is that they actually do.

#4 – Some Are Borderline Insulting
Promising to deliver a better strategy than what is currently being executed current insults what it is that a prospect does as a professional. Plus that’s a very bold statement when you have no insight into the performance of the current solution.

#5 – There Is No Way to Find out More About the Company
In order to test the legitimacy of some of these emails, it would have been nice if they would have included a hyperlinked URL to their company website in their signature or somewhere else in the email. None of them did.

#6 – There is No Value Being Offered
Not one of these emails offered up a case study or any validation that they could truly help in some way, or an example of how they had helped other companies in a similar situation.

#7 – Harassing Prospects Doesn’t Work
Telling your prospect that you’ve sent them numerous emails before is not a good way to elicit a response. The prospect doesn’t owe you anything.

7 Ways to Win

#1 – Network & Connect With Prospects FIRST
Before reaching out cold, make an effort to network to prospects by seeing if you know someone in common on LinkedIn or have similar interests. You can also begin following them on social networks like Twitter. This can create an opportunity for recognition when you do reach out via email and provide you with insight into what types of content they share and care about.

#2 – Personalize Your Approach
By putting in a few minutes of research before reaching out, you can quickly identify ways to personalize your email communication. It could be a matter of reading articles they’ve published, finding out where their company is located and making mention of it in your email, the opportunities for slight personalization to have an impact are vast.

#3- Show That You Understand Their Pain Points
You may not have met your prospect personally but with a little legwork you can determine that person xyz that works at this size of company and has this job title will likely experience these pain points. Use a portion of your email communication to show how your company/solution/services can help make life easier for them.

Keep in mind that if you’re emailing the marketing manager, director of marketing or CMO at a company, there will be different pain points or approaches that you need to take in order to sync with their specific needs.

#4 – Compliment & Flatter Your Prospects
We all like someone to take notice of the work that we’ve done. If a person trying to connect with a prospect makes mention of something created by the person they are reaching out to, it is likely that they will be much more open to what is being said.

#5 – Ask for Permission, Don’t Assume
When you use language that indicates you’re confident that the prospect will respond or participate in your ask, it can be a major turn-off. Instead, ask if they are interested in learning more or connecting. It is less invasive and allows the prospect to feel like they are in control instead of being manipulated.

#6 – Offer Proof of Concept
If you’re going to make bold statements in your outreach email, you had better be able to back it up with data. Linking to examples of your work or case studies within the email are an incredibly effective way of showing proof of success and how you have helped other people like them solve similar problems.

#7 – Make it Easy for Prospects to Research You
The simple inclusion of a link to the company website, blog or social links can make it easy for prospects to determine the legitimacy of a company sending them a communication. Since we know today’s buyers are self-directed, it will also give them an opportunity to dive in and learn more about your offering  on their own.

Start Creating More Meaningful Communications Today!
There is a clear opportunity for sales and marketing teams to collaborate and follow email marketing best practices as it relates to sales emails. The convergence of these two teams can help companies create a better and more cohesive experience for all prospects, no matter where interactions are happening.

Are you guilty of sending sales emails that fail? What do you think you can do to create more effective emails that provide a better experience for your sales prospects?


Thursday, 13 July 2017

A Habit You Simply MUST Develop

Bob Proctor is one of the most influential personal development and wealth creators on the planet!

This clip alone has nearly 3 Million views. All those people can't be wrong!

What do you guys think?

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Affiliate Marketing Success Tips: How to Join an Affiliate Program

If you’re like me, then it’s probably taken you months of doing research before you finally took the plunge and started your very own affiliate marketing business.

Once you’ve got your website set up, it’s time monetize it so that you can start building a passive income, quit your job, and live the life of your dreams.

The best way to monetize your website is by promoting affiliate products. The problem is finding the perfect affiliate program that’s right for you.

This post is going to show you how to join an affiliate program that’s going to be the foundation of your your online business.


Join the Big Ones First

First things first, before you start looking for affiliate programs that are related to your niche, go ahead and join the big ones first. Most of the time, affiliate programs for certain companies are represented by the big boys.

A perfect example is Gamefly. Gamefly is a video game rental company that offers an affiliate program through Commission Junction or CJ.

When I tried applying to Gamefly’s affiliate program, that’s what I had to do; I had to apply to CJ Affiliates in order to earn commissions from Gamefly.

So I suggest you go ahead and join the affiliate programs at ClickBank, Commission Junction, Share-A-Sale, Amazon, and eBay to get the ball rolling.

Keep in mind that in order to be accepted into some of these affiliate programs, your website needs to be getting some sort of traffic; otherwise they’ll deny you and you’ll have to reapply.

Search for Affiliate Programs

Now that you’ve been approved for the popular affiliate programs, it’s time to narrow it down according to your niche. Google’s search bar or Bing’s is the best place to get started.

All you have to do is type in to Google or Bing your niche or keyword, plus affiliate program.

It should look like this…

Now all you have to do is pick the one that best fits the needs of your website in relation to your niche; as well as your customers.

It’s important to keep in mind that the reputation of these affiliate programs should be taken into consideration when you join an affiliate program. You don’t want to hand out  your personal and financial information to any old website because you never know who’s running it.

Your best bet is to do some research and ask some questions to figure out how their affiliate programs work.

Remember that when it comes to affiliate marketing, affiliate programs should be free to join. If someone asks you for a payment when signing up, it’s most likely a scam.

Another great way to find affiliate programs is to use the search engines for top vendors that are selling products and services that are related to your niche. If they’re highly successful and well known, then you might be able to ask them to create an affiliate program just for you.

Who knows… you might be creating a new partnership!

How to Join an Affiliate Program… You’re Almost there!

Now that you know how to find affiliate programs, it’s time to learn how to join an affiliate program. Believe it or not, it’s actually pretty simple; and you can actually get approved the same day you apply.

Once you find an affiliate program, all you have to do is sign up as an “ADVERTISER”; not “MERCHANT”. Merchants are the companies creating the products for you to promote.

You are the advertiser because that’s what you’re going to be doing with their products.

The application process is simple; it only requires your basic info like name and address; and financial. You also have supply them with a bit of information about your website like who your customers are, what category does it fall under(niche), what type of methods do you use to get traffic, and and how much traffic do you receive each month.

The applications will also ask for your financial info like how you’d like to get paid, routing and account number, and tax info.ap2

Once you’ve filled out the application, you’ll click “Submit”; and the affiliate program will get back to you as soon as they can. Sometimes you get approved instantly; and sometimes you get approved the next day.

Don’t worry if you don’t get approved right away… just keep working towards getting more traffic to your website, and apply again as soon as possible.

Final Words

Well that’s all for today folks. I hope you learned a thing or two about affiliate programs and how to find one that’s perfect for your website. Remember that this is the foundation of your business because it’s how you’ll be making money.

Now that you know how to join an affiliate program, it’s time for you to take action and start promoting products so that you can start making money.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.


Sunday, 9 July 2017

Why Today Is The Perfect Day To Live Your Dreams And Make Your Life Successful

24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's today summed up in a nutshell if you consider figures only. However, if you are ready to look beyond the numerical, those 86,400 seconds present countless opportunities for you to grow, chase your dreams, and be the person you have always dreamt of. Today is a gift and that is why it is called the present. Are you ready to seize it?

You have always wanted to make it big in the world. You have always wanted to be the happiest person in the world. Big cars, luxurious home, lot of friends around - your ideal life is made up of all warm, big, and glossy things. But when are you going to make these happen? When are you going to start building your future? Let's start today.

Why today? Because today you are blessed with 24 golden hours. Today you are blessed with 1,440 minutes of hard work and creativity. Today you are blessed with 86,400 seconds to redefine your life and make it truly awesome.

Today is special because it is unique. It is not like yesterday; it's the day that fills your heart with hope and dreams. It's a moment in your life when you are beckoned to unleash your potential and create a great life.

1. Start living your dreams today. Today comes with much potential. Do not consider it as an extension of yesterday. What happened yesterday is past. You cannot change it. Accept it and let it get buried in the past. Of course, do not forget the lessons yesterday taught you as they are invaluable. However, you should not carry any baggage from yesterday and cripple your today. Today is for living your dreams and do so with fervor.

2. Make today the best day of your life. As Mary Shelley has said, "The beginning is always today," so that is how you should treat today. Take it as the day to begin living your dreams and create a perfect life. Create an awesome today and see how your life becomes amazing. Here are small things that you can do today to live your dreams and create an awesome tomorrow. Remember, "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."

3. Live in the moment, live today. Yes, this is very important. You should live every moment. Do not let your mind wander but focus on the present. Worrying over future won't get you anywhere so try to make your today so good that tomorrow would naturally become happy and peaceful.

4. Have a great start. 
Morning shows the day. Remember reading that in your primary classes? Kick starting a day in the right note makes it easy to have a grand day. Do not rush out of bed when you wake up in the morning. Wake up fifteen minutes earlier to welcome the new day. Do some stretching exercises to improve blood circulation. Choose a workout regime that suits you and follow it with fifteen minutes of meditation. This is to fuel your soul to remain calm and motivated throughout the day.

5. Get ready for a successful day. To have a productive day, it is important to have a clutter-free mind and environment. While meditation would keep your mind and soul clear of any clutter, you need to take care of your immediate surroundings. Prepare your bed as soon as you leave it and go for a quick cleaning of your room. This simple act would motivate you and make you feel good about yourself.

6. Feed your body. 

It's time to feed the body. A simple and healthy breakfast is the key to remaining energetic all through the day.

 If you do not find time to prepare an elaborate meal, at least eat fruits or salads. A veggie-filled omelet doesn't require much time to prepare but keeps you full for hours.

7. Get three important things done today. Most of us are so busy doing emergency work that we seldom find time to do things that are important or can have a huge impact on our future. So, while creating your to-do list, mention at least three important tasks that you need to complete today.

8. Go for a walk. Whether in the morning or afternoon, in the lunch hour or after dinner, always go for a walk and watch how it affects your mood. Choose a park or a natural location and enjoy the breeze, the sun and its warmth. Fill your heart with gratitude.

9. Spend time with a loved one. 

This is a must. Each day find time to spend a few moments with someone you love. Be your friends or parents, surrounding yourself with the love and affection of near ones makes life wonderful.

10. Read something worthwhile. You may choose early morning to read something inspirational or just before going to bed to fuel your imagination. Good books are our greatest companions.

Seize today. It's a treasure you have been gifted by God. Fill every moment with love, hope, and happiness and start living your dreams.
